Love Yourself Because You are More Than Enough!
Hello My Empowered Friend! I am inspired to leave us a little “pick me up” message to keep us motivated, elevated and invigorated! Let’s get up and stay up! Replace our negative thoughts with positive thoughts about ourselves. We will not compare ourselves to anyone else because God made us perfectly and in His image! We are good enough! We are more than enough! We do not care about the lies that the deceptive devil whispers to us. No, we don’t look like that man and we don’t look like lady, but we are amazingly handsome and beautiful!
Write down three or more wonderful things about your temple today that you love! I want us to write about the physical things today. I want us to see ourselves for who we really are. We need to see ourselves through the eyes of God. If you are having trouble coming up with at least three positive physical characteristics about yourself, pray that God helps you to see yourself as He sees you. I promise you, if you open your ears, mind, and heart He will reveal to you how lovely your temple is. We will talk about our insides later. I know you may be saying, “Well the insides are more important!” I agree, in many ways our insides are more important than our outsides because that’s where our eternal inner man resides. Also, if our insides are ugly it doesn’t matter what our outsides look like. The Bible says (1 Corinthians 15:46) NIV, “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” In other words, first natural, then spiritual. I just don’t want us to lose sight on the outside (our temple) as well. Our body (temple) is where the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19). Many of us walk, talk and act like we do not measure up even though we are good people on the inside. HEAD UP AND SHOULDERS BACK! Call those things that be not as though they are! Fake it till you make it!
Maybe if we focused on our physical being and love ourselves more, we would work harder on putting the proper foods in our temples. Perhaps then we would drink more water and exercise our temples. If we focused on our physical being and love OURSELVES enough we would not abuse substances that have horrible effects on our health and bodies. If we love ourselves more we would not give ourselves to people who abuse us, misuse us, and treat us poorly. The better we take care of our bodies, the more we will like about our bodies. Let’s show appreciation to God for what He has given us. Let’s be good stewards of our temples and clean it up and dress it up and love what God created us to be. We must love ourselves. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39 NIV) Well, that means we are being instructed to love ourselves as we love others. How can we love our neighbors as ourselves if we don’t love ourselves first?
Now I understand that some of us may be loving ourselves way too much and not loving neighbors at all or anyone else for that matter. That may pose a different problem. LOL I am not promoting narcissism, pridefulness and haughtiness. Arrogance and superiority looks good on no one. However, if we are confident in ourselves and love ourselves, only then will we be able to truly love and accept others. These are my exact thoughts as it relates to bullying; not just the bullying of one child to another, but the bullying of an adult to a child or an adult to another adult. Bullying is using fear and manipulation to control and/or intimidate another person. No one bullies if he/she truly loves and thinks highly of himself/herself. Likewise, no one subjects himself/herself to being bullied if he/she has self love and respect. We teach others how to treat us and how to speak to us.
We will think well of ourselves! We will speak well of ourselves! We will treat ourselves well! We will love ourselves! We will write at least three physical things we love about ourselves. We are more than enough!
As I write, I am speaking to myself as well. I need encouragement and reminders to remain empowered. That’s why I encourage you to leave comments. Empowerment Engineer (God) uses us to empower each other. Please share your thoughts.
Stay empowered!
1) I love my beautiful smile
2) I love my hair
3) I love all of my natural curves
Thank you for writing such a powerful message. We look forward to reading more words of empowerment.
Yay! Thank you for stopping by Mom365! I love that you shared all the wonderful things you love about yourself! You are very welcome! It brings me great joy to reach out and even more joy for you to respond. Stay empowered!
Awesome work cousin!
I appreciate your transparency and encouraging words. Continue to let God use you. I’m so proud of you.
Hello Cousin! Thank you for your love and support! I want you to know how much I appreciate you and how you have allowed God to use you to touch my life in helping me realize my divine purpose through your women’s conference and God’s prophetic word. You have been a wonderful inspiration to me and so many other women via your What About Me (W.A.M.) ministry and your books, Living Life With No Regrets and Time for an Attitude Check. Stay empowered!